After some searching for good UV layout programs I finally bought UV layout yesterday and I must say it's a breeze to work with in combination with Maya. Previously I used flat colored shaders most of the time because of my limited knowlegde about UV's. The most important thing i still need to learn is where to place the seams and texturing in photoshop. The new version of Zbrush with the UV master plugin seemed like a nice quick solution but I love the control of creating seams and cuts myself and have more control on the flattening proces too.
Here is a quick rendertest I did of an character I created for an old project.
2 opmerkingen:
that's a nice character you have here Joost!
Well you know, at all the companies I worked for, the modelers didn't use any plugins to do their UV layout except Crazy Bump but that's more to create the normal maps than the actual UVing.
So many so called great UV plugins came and went that I think I wouldnt bother for the time being and just stick with the Maya built in tools.
Hi Oliv, good point. But with my limited knowledge of doing different projections and stitching all the UV's together again to a nice UV map, it seems easier and quicker for me to use this tool. Tried it in Maya before but it took me a long time to get some decent results. I can always do some adjustments in Maya afterward if I need to make changes. But I think those professional modeling and UV wizards will do it just as quickly in Maya.
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