woensdag 8 september 2010

Diving into rigging part 2

Here is a movie with my curent eye setup for my new character. I wanted to create a separate set of eyes that I can attach to the head rig with locators. This way I will have a flexible setup so I can move the eyes around freely.

All the attributes for shaping the eyelids and pupil dialation are in the eye controllers and can be adjusted in the channelbox.

The reshaping of the whole eye is done with separate controllers that drive a lattice. I have three controllers per eye that can rotate, translate and scale so I can have a lot of fun with the eye shapes. I will also add brows to the rig. These can be modified with a separate controller.

3 opmerkingen:

Olivier Ladeuix zei

really nice Joost! and I have no idea how you do that!!!! ;-)

are there any blend shapes or joints involved? how do you open and close the eyelids?

Great stuff man!

Joost van Schaik zei

Hey Oliv. Thanks man! It's great fun doing this. Just solving a big puzzle . I finally get some results the last weeks. For the eye I did not use any joints. The finer eyelid controls and the pupils are done with blendshapes and with set driven keys activated in the channelbox. On top of that I have a lattice for each eye that I can deform with those three controllers. With translation, scale and rotation you can create a lot of crazy eyeshapes. For the standard opening and closing of the eyes I have a separate attribute. I did not showed those in the video.

Ghost zei

Super work. YOu do amazing stuff my friend. It's an honor to have you helping us on our project as well!