First rendered frames after some compositing. Thinking changing the window colors of the cars and maybe the colors of the shirt of the girl to make here stand out some more.
Joost!!!! This is looking really cool! Sorry man I don't visit blogs anymore and completely missed your recent work. You should post some updates on Facebook like I do.
Hi Jess! Thanks for your comment. The setup is not so complex. I used simple standard shaders and a few lights. I rendered out four passes. Color, depth, specular and occlussion and brought them together in After Effecs. Just let me know if you have questions. Can't wait to see some new shots from you.
3 opmerkingen:
Joost!!!! This is looking really cool! Sorry man I don't visit blogs anymore and completely missed your recent work. You should post some updates on Facebook like I do.
Wow!!! ...just, WOW!!! This is looking amazing! Can you make mine pretty next?? ;P
Hi Jess! Thanks for your comment. The setup is not so complex. I used simple standard shaders and a few lights. I rendered out four passes. Color, depth, specular and occlussion and brought them together in After Effecs. Just let me know if you have questions. Can't wait to see some new shots from you.
Have great day.
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